Jennie James

Jennie James

Jennie James gets you through the workday. Music, entertainment, fun!Full Bio


The Benefits of Daylight Saving Time

One of those people who doesn't like springing forward? Daylight Saving Time isn't all bad:

1. There’s more light to enjoy in the evening.

2. The crime rate drops during daylight saving time.

3. It minimizes energy consumption (and lowers your costs).

4. It lowers the incidence of traffic accidents.

So be prepared!

Reset your clocks the night before. We’re talking the ones that don’t reset themselves like the oven.

Catch some extra ZZZs. Build up to it. For example, starting several days before the time change, make sure your family members are in bed 15–30 minutes before their regular bedtimes.

Get your house prepared. You’ll be turning on your a/c soon so make sure it’s been checked.

Be positive. Think of the positive things about springing forward and don’t let the grumps get you down.


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