Pool safety devices are good, but they can malfunction or take too long to alert you to a problem. As you know, no product beats keeping eyes on the pool. Here’s some advice from the experts:
Assign a “pool watcher” - someone (an adult) should be in charge of watching the pool at all times whenever anyone is in it.
Stay an arm’s reach away - you should always be close to the kids in the pool, not watching from far away.
Always use the buddy system
Whistle alert - parties can get loud and a kid's voice might not be heard so hang a whistle in the backyard near the pool so the buddy can blow it if a child starts to drown.
No one in the pool without an adult - rule #1
Put the toys away - as fun as they can be in the pool, they can trap someone underneath
Secure Your Pool - with a fence or barrier and a self-closing, self-latching gate
Swim Jackets - for inexperienced swimmers
Keep your pool Clean and Clear - maintain proper chemical levels, circulation and filtration
Establish and Enforce Rules - rules and safe behaviors, such as ‘no diving’ and ‘no running’ should always be enforced each and every time kids are getting into the pool
Learn CPR
(ClickOnDetroit) Photo: Getty