Jennie James

Jennie James

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Stop Your Impulse Buying

Concept online payment mobile technology. Hand of female using smartphone touching pay button mobile banking application in restaurant

We joke about retail therapy, but it's real. When I haven't been shopping in a long time, I actually crave it. Like I get itchy about it. I don't even have to buy anything; just walk around the store looking at stuff. The pandemic made it hard to go to stores, so then I'd go online. I am much more likely to buy stuff when I'm online. Do I really need that stuff? Probably not. So how do you prevent impulse purchases especially when we don't have disposable income?

-Shop with a list only. Shop for specific items. Don’t browse.

-Track your spending so you know how much money is going to impulse purchases.

-Give yourself time to think about a purchase. Keep it in the cart for 24 hours. Think about it overnight if it's something you see in a store. You may not think it's worth making another trip.

-Let go of shaming yourself if you do buy something under impulse.

(Kens5) Photo: Getty/marchmeena29

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