Look, I'm the last person to give you advice about exercising. Not only do I hate to exercise, but I haven't done much at all since August when I broke my ankle. Funny though. Now that I can't exercise, I really want to!
But how do you get started, especially when you don't like to exercise or you haven't been much of an exerciser in the past?
Try fun and relaxing activities like dancing, gardening, swimming to trick yourself into thinking you’re not exercising.
Move more and sit less. Find ways to move more during the day even if they are small things. Like using smaller glasses of water so you have to get up and get more from the kitchen.
Set small goals and reward yourself. Buy that purse you wanted after losing 5 pounds. Treat yourself to a fitness tracker after working out on schedule for two weeks.
Schedule a specific time and stick to it.
Make it a competition with friends.
Speaking of friends, make exercising social. Go for walks with your neighbor. Grab your co-workers to join you at zumba.
Listen to your body and don’t overdo it.
(BaptistHealthSystem) Photo: Getty/shironosov