As a parent, I get needing to take care of yourself. I also understand that you may not have time, that you may not know what you can do for yourself. I'm one of those parents. But I will tell you that just talking to my neighbors (whose kids are the same age as mine and who they play with all the time), commiserating, maybe laughing a little, goes a long way for my mental health. So what can you do to take care of yourself?
If you have 1 minute
- Light a candle
- Practice box breathing
- Laugh
- Take your vitamins
- Hug Someone
- Drink a glass of water
If you have 5 minutes
- Text a loved one
- Amp up your showering routine
- Blend yourself a smoothie
- Listen to your favorite song
- Sit in the sun
- Clean something
If you have 10 minutes
- Play a game
- Get your heart rate going
- Put a face mask on
- Meditate
- Walk barefoot
- Write in a journal
If you have 30 minutes
- Do your nails
- Make yourself a meal
- Declutter a room
- Watch something indulgent
- Take a power nap
- Read a book for fun
If you have 1 hour
- Listen to an inspiring podcast
- Do an online yoga class
- Spend time with a friend
- Go for a walk
- Pamper yourself
Take care of yourself. You deserve it, and you need it.
(Healthline) Photo: Getty/Alla Aramyan