Make sure you're drinking enough water to stay hydrated. If not, you could get dehydrated. And dehydration has some weird side effects.
You’re Hungry - When your body wants a drink, it's not picky about where that water comes from and will happily accept food sources as well as a glass of plain water.
Your Breath Stinks - Less spit means more bacteria in your mouth and more bacteria means stinky breath.
You’re Grouchy - Scientists found that young women who were just one percent dehydrated reported feeling more anger, depression, annoyance, and frustration than women who drank enough water during a lab test.
You’re A Little Fuzzy - Researchers found that people who were mildly dehydrated during the experiment performed worse on cognitive tasks and reported feelings of wanting to give up and an inability to make decisions.
Your Head Is Pounding - The researchers added that dropping water levels could decrease the amount of fluid surrounding the brain in the skull, giving it less padding and protection against even mild bumps and movement.