My family filed our taxes 3 months ago. I was told we were getting a return and we should see it in about a week. Thank goodness, too, because we had a lot of dental work to do.
But the return didn't come. And didn't come. And didn't come.
We tracked it on We had our CPA look into it in case we did something wrong. We've patiently waited. And those dental bills are coming in.
Well, news comes that the IRS still has 35 million unprocessed tax returns!
IRS officials are blaming the delay on a number of side projects that have been doled out to the agency in the past year, such as sending out stimulus checks, updating the rules for unemployment payments and working out details of the Child Tax Credit.
Despite the extra work, workers have managed to process more than 100 million returns this year, a spokesperson says.
So, just stay patient. You'll get it. Hopefully sooner rather than later.