Photo: Getty Images
Weight gain or loss, muscle gain or loss, skin stretching/sagging/shifting, injuries, pregnancy, illness, or age. Yup, your body changes all the time. Some things will make you feel good. Some may not. So...
Create a self-love mantra. For example,
- "I am happy. I am enough. I am beautiful."
- "Thank you, body, for carrying me through this pandemic."
- "I am growing stronger and healthier every single day."
- "It's not my body, but my heart, that is most important."
Thank your body.
Give your social media feeds a makeover.
Create boundaries IRL, too.
Move your body in ways that make you feel good.
Have a partner? Communicate with them.
Invest in yourself—literally. Obviously don't go crazy. But if there's a calming candle scent you love, or you found a pair of leggings that makes you feel good, get it!
Dance your butt off.