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1. Swap Ariana Grande for an audiobook. Yes, audiobooks count as reading—and they can help children do it better.
2. Model reading love. Children take their cues from adults
3. Theme your nook. Consider a beach theme: towels on the floor, a beach umbrella propped against the wall, a poster of the ocean, and sand buckets to house the books. Other possibilities: a pirate's cove, rain forest, or spaceship.
4. Help bring books to life. inding book-inspired activities to do IRL extends the experience.
5. Celebrate writers.
6. Read the book, then watch the movie.
7. Stash books all over.
8. Read aloud—even when they don’t need it.
9. Turn your library visits into adventures.
10. Reread the same books to little ones.
11. Conquer the log.
12. Get cooking. When ingredients and instructions are read slowly many times, it improves comprehension.
13. Start a club. All it takes is two people reading the same book.
14. Ask questions. This enhances comprehension—and enjoyment.
15. Turn to books at tough times. Getting a puppy? Add a book. Starting a new school? Add a book.