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Need help sleeping? There are foods to avoid and food that will help.
--An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but it can also keep you awake. Apples are filled with natural sugar, which are slowly released in the body, keeping you alert and awake.
--So can adding hot sauce to your meal before bed. Hot sauce raises your body temperature at bedtime making it harder to fall asleep.
--But Asian foods containing soy, such as edamame or miso soup, are rich in magnesium, a mineral that can relax muscles and make it easier to fall asleep.
--Some other foods to help you get some ZZZ’s include avocados, hummus, dark chocolate, bananas, cherries, fish and nuts.
--And for wine lovers, go ahead and have that glass of red wine before bed. The skin on grapes used to make red wine contains melatonin, the sleep-producing hormone we naturally produce.