Peaches are yummy and in season. They're also good for you!
- In addition to preventing constipation and supporting good digestive health, the fiber from peaches helps manage blood sugar levels.
- Peaches also contain prebiotics, which feed beneficial bacteria in the gut tied to anti-inflammation, immunity, and mood.
- Peaches support immunity in three ways. Vitamin C helps immune cells with production, function, and protection. Vitamin A helps form the mucous membranes in your respiratory tract which helps to keep germs out of your bloodstream. Peaches also defend immunity by way of their natural antimicrobial properties.
- Peaches have antioxidants which are known to combat oxidative stress, an imbalance between the production of cell-damaging free radicals and the body's ability to counter their harmful effects.
- Peaches have beta carotene and vitamin C which support healthy skin.
- The lutein and zeaxanthin in peaches help protect your eye’s retina and lens. The two carotenoids have been shown to reduce the risk of two common eye disorders—macular degeneration and cataracts.
- Peaches’ potassium can help regulate blood pressure by acting as a natural diuretic to sweep excess sodium and fluid out of the body.
Whip peaches into smoothies; add to oatmeal or overnight oats; puree for sauces, pudding, or frozen pops; incorporate into pie, cobbler, and other desserts; or enjoy them as is.
The stone fruit is fantastic grilled, added to garden salads, transformed into salsa, or slivered into slaw. Peaches continue to ripen after they're picked. If you prefer a juicer peach, place it in a paper bag at room temperature to speed up its transformation.