If you've been given things from your favorite people, it's hard to get rid of them. Even if they aren't used, aren't appreciated, and are just taking up space. So...
Be Intentional
With sentimental items the key is to not just keep things because they belonged to someone you loved—it's to keep the things that person loved most or used most, or the things that make you think of them most.
Choose things that remind you of the person that you can also incorporate into your daily life, to keep their memory closer. Using or seeing just one beloved heirloom every day will be much more meaningful than boxes full of items stashed out of sight.
And don't be afraid to use those items.
Focus on Your Life Today
Don’t think about how you might move one day, or lose weight, or have babies, whatever the different life things are that are coming. They may, or they may not.
Think also about who you share your home with. If a housemate or partner doesn't share a connection to the person who gave you an overabundance of heirlooms, all those items can become a burden to them.
Ignore Sunk Costs
A sunk cost is money that has already been spent and cannot be recovered. So just because you spent a lot of money on something that takes up space and isn't useful (and may even fill you with feelings of guilt for the money you spent on it) isn’t a good enough justification to keep it.
While resale prices will almost never match the original purchase price, accept the loss and celebrate the fact that someone else will enjoy the item.