Jennie James

Jennie James

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Festive Red Succulents For Your Holiday Decor

Red succulents will lend a beautiful color to your decor this holiday season. And yes, it works for Valentine's Day too.

'Romeo Rubin' Echeveria

Echeveria agavoides 'Corderoyi', or lipstick echeveria, Echeveria Agavoides v Romeo Rubin, family Crassulaceae

Photo: Getty Images

'Christmas Carol' Aloe

Christmas Cheer or Jelly Bean Plant

Sedum rubrotinctum or known as Jelly beans succulent

Photo: Getty Images

'Bashful' Graptoveria

All of these succulents are easy to care for. Just place them where they will get bright sunlight for several hours a day to keep their red color as rosy as possible. Give them a drink about once a week until water drains out the bottom of their pot, but be careful to avoid getting water on their leaves because this can encourage rot.


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