Photo: Getty Images
Do you like to collect stuff? I get it! I have way too much crap honestly. Not only can it be hard to get rid of things, but just starting alone can be a stumbling block. Here are some easy things to help you get started:
Take out the trash. Not just actual trash but things like expired makeup, food, and drugs. Toss the junk mail and piles of New York Magazine that you’re never going to get around to reading.
Start slow. Tackle one room or even just one closet at a time. If that still seems insurmountable, begin with just a junk drawer. Another way to go about your decluttering journey is to set aside 10 to 20 minutes a day for sorting and organizing.
Stop bringing home more stuff. This is self-explanatory.
Add a Declutter savings jar. This is a great way to inspire yourself to not purchase that new shiny thing. Every time you want to buy something new, put that amount of money into a jar instead.
Clean out multiples. If you have multiples of an item, give some away.
Digitize. If you’re someone who still has VHS tapes, photos, and CDs taking up space, you should consider digitizing them. Costco, Walmart, and Walgreens all offer services for transferring film and VHS tapes to DVD or digital video files that can be stored on a thumb drive and/or in a cloud service.