Jennie James

Jennie James

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Signs of Skin Cancer Other than an Abnormal Mole

Melanoma, Skin Cancer

Photo: Callista Images / Image Source / Getty Images

My mom has had skin cancer 4 times! My mother-in-law had it twice in the same place that ended up getting crazy out of control and the surgery to fix it caused her face to be somewhat deformed.

I don't think people know how bad skin cancer can be. And I definitely know that we don't always know what to look for.

A spot that has grown or changed since the last time you checked is one of the most common signs of melanoma. Use the ABCDEs of melanoma to check your moles:

·      Asymmetry

·      Uneven borders

·      Color

·      Diameter

·      Evolution

However, those are not the only warning signs. The three major types of skin cancer—basal and squamous cell carcinomas and melanoma—often look different. And some rare types of skin cancer might be mistaken for other skin conditions entirely.

·      A Translucent, Waxy Bump - Sometimes skin cancer shows up as a clear or skin-colored bump.

·      A Scaly Patch - It's easy to brush off a bit of scaly skin as eczema or dryness. But if you moisturize or treat dry patches with over-the-counter (OTC) ointments, and it doesn't go away, your rash could be a sign of basal or squamous cell carcinoma.

·      Anything Crusty or Oozing - A "classic" basal cell carcinoma lesion oozes, crusts over, and won’t heal. 

·      Red or Purple Lesions - Merkel cell carcinoma is a rare skin cancer that looks harmless, is painless, and is often mistaken for other common skin lesions. MCCs can also appear as blue, red, or purple nodules. 

·      Anything That Doesn't Go Away

If you have noticed any of these, go to your GP or dermatologist as soon as possible to have it checked for sure.


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