Tips To Make Thanksgiving Lighter In Calories

Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner

Thanksgiving dinners are approximately 4500 calories. That is not a typo.

People don't usually think about calories, and sodium, and carbs on Thanksgiving. And honestly, don't. But DO watch what you eat if it will affect your health. Maybe you have to watch your salt intake. Or maybe you've really been working hard on losing weight and getting fit so you don't want as many calories.

Here are some tips!

  • Stick with turkey as your main course. Start with a hormone-free bird. Check the label for salt and seasoning additives and refrain from adding additional spices from your cabinet. People don't realize (the turkey) already has sodium, so that hurts you a lot.”
  • Serve fresh sides. Instead of a green bean casserole, opt for turkey bacon and glazed pecans.
  • To satisfy your sweet tooth, make a cheesecake with evaporated milk or cookies with almond flower and Stevia.
  • Trying to stick to a budget? Look for store brands.
  • If you need help with recipes, search online for low-carb and low-sodium recipes.

(Kens5) Photo: Getty

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