Baking Will Make You Feel Better

Need something to relieve stress? How about making some baked goods! It's really good for you:

  • Mindfulness helps reduce stress and increase happiness. And if you don't have time to meditate, baking can be a substitute since it takes a lot of attention. 
  • Baking helps convey messages that aren't always easy to say with words. You can express sympathy, love, and support.
  • The altruistic act of baking for others can contribute to an overall sense of well-being and connection with other people in the world. 
  • One of the positive mental side effects of baking is using it as an outlet for creative expression, which can relieve stress.

Of course, bakers can only reap these psychological rewards if they actually enjoy baking. If you don't enjoy it, maybe find something else to put your effort into: dancing to the radio, diy crafts, making up fun games for you and the kids to play.

(MarthaStewart) Photo: Getty

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