Keeping Kids Healthy & Focused While Online Learning

Some kids have been able to go back to in-person learning, but the majority is still trying to learn online. Studies show a more comfortable kid, can make for a more productive and focused kid.

--The first tip: Set a schedule. Ideally, it should be one that starts with something easy for your child to accomplish which fuels your kids’ motivation to stay engaged.

--Tip two: Have a dedicated workspace. It doesn't have to be an elaborate school desk. Just somewhere your student can call his/her own.

--Tip three: Take breaks. Not only should your student get up and move around, but don’t forget eye breaks too. For every 20 minutes of screen time, students should be spending 30 seconds to a minute gazing at the horizon or outside.

--For some kids, getting up and walking around while they’re learning also helps them focus. Kids can also doodle or take notes to maintain focus.

--Another big thing for parents to remember is to give yourself a little grace.

When it comes to red flags to look out for, a good idea is to make sure your child doesn’t spend too much time hunched over or craning their neck.

(KGW) Photo: Getty/valentinrussanov

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