Hershey’s maps out COVID-19 risk levels for safe trick-or-treating

Hershey's is using a map of COVID-19 risk levels, ranging from green to red, to help people determine “the best activities for your zone." The map, from the Harvard Global Health Institute, shows both Bexar County and Texas land in the “orange” zone, which means:

× Trick-or-treat in reverse by dressing up children in costumes and hanging out in the front yard.

× Ride in a trick-or-treat driveby while in costumes to deliver candy.

× Have a costume week and dress up for more days than Oct. 31.

× Create a neighborhood candy hunt by making a trick-or-treat treasure map.

× Set up a neighborhood pub crawl by having driveway drinking stations.

× The company also recommends homeowners mark lines outside their houses for 6-foot social distancing, give out candy on clean tables to minimize contact and register as an official Halloweensafehouse.

Now this is from Hershey's. The CDC, on the other hand, advises against trick-or-treating, trunk-or-treating, indoor costume parties, indoor haunted houses, and hayrides with people not in your household.

(KSAT) Photo: Getty/Juanmonino

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