The Most Common Places You're Likely To Fall At Home

September is National Fall Prevention Month. Every day people fall and hurt themselves in their home. The most common places to fall are the stairs, bathroom, living room and garden. I fell walking out my backdoor and stepping down onto my patio. I ended up breaking my ankle (oh the pain!). I don't recommend it because I've had to have surgery and recovery is at least 6-8 weeks.

Learning how to fall correctly could help save you from broken bones, torn muscles, lost wages, massive medical bills, and long recoveries.

  • To avoid breaks and fractures, relax the tension in your body.
  • Protect your head by tucking your chin.
  • Shift your weight to land on your side.

I don't honestly remember what I did other than the PAIN except I was on my side when I landed.

Here's to you NOT breaking your ankle like I did!


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