How To Keep Your Social Distance When Someone Wants To Get Close

I'm a hugger. I love hugs. The problem is there are no hugs these days. Or handshakes. Or slaps on the back. Maybe we'll get back to it. Maybe we won't. But until we're told otherwise, we need to social distance. And it can be hard when the other person forgets, or doesn't care about it. So how do you get someone to not step into your space?

Use your words to set boundaries.

With many people you'll have the opportunity to talk about how you'll greet each other beforehand, but if that doesn't happen, speak up in person. Don't hesitate to break into someone's greeting or sentence if necessary; a gentle "excuse me" or "pardon me" is still an expert-approved way of interrupting someone to remind them to step back

Hug yourself.

Pair a friendly greeting with body language that doesn't encourage a hug. Put on your biggest smile, and in a polite and clear voice say, 'It's great to see you Sandy! I'm sending you a virtual hug,' as you simulate a hug back to yourself." This type of body language sets a clear boundary. 

Make the first move.

As you're walking toward the person you are greeting, you can use a simple gesture to stop an unexpected touch, like waving with a warm smile, while saying you can’t hug or kiss right now.

Move aside.

While physically dodging an unwanted touch may feel awkward in the moment, it's sometimes the best—or only—way to get your point across. Safety always trumps etiquette.

(MarthaStewart) Photo: Getty/filadendron

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