How to Deal With Election Depression

Waiting for election results you may be feeling stressed instead of relieved. It's also very draining mentally.

Experts recommend lifting your spirits by cutting back on social media & obsessively watching the news. Instead, put your energy into reconnecting with family and friends, even those with differing political views.

If you are unhappy with the results of the election, remember feeling helpless is a choice. Instead, commit to doing something to make a positive difference in your local community.

Set boundaries around political conversations. You want to keep your friendships. And if you candidate wins, don't gloat.

Be wary of social media triggers.  Don't be drawn into the conversations that you know will upset you.

Make sure to practice self care: maybe a long bath, some meditation, a good night's sleep for example.

Try to only stress about the things you can control. You can't control the outcome of the election, but you can control your behavior. 

And look on the bright side, no more political ads!

(KENS, News4) Photo: Getty/da-kuk

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