What Not To Do Before Bed To Get A Better Night's Sleep

The Better Sleep Council surveyed sleep doctors about what they wouldn’t do prior to falling asleep and their answers could mean the difference between lying awake or getting restful sleep. 

1. Don’t watch the news before falling asleep. The stories can cause anxiety or worry making it harder to fall asleep. 

2. Don’t work in bed. You want to maintain the association that bed is only for sex and sleep. 

3. Don't work out before bed. Working out in the morning or throughout the day can do wonders for insomnia, however, working out before bed can release energy that keeps you from falling asleep. 

4. Avoid tense or stressful conversations. You may keep rehashing the conversation or have negative emotions swirling in your head making it hard for you to wind down. 

5. Say no to caffeine. 

6. Don't drink alcohol. Although it can help you fall asleep, it does disrupt sleep patterns later during the night. 

7. Don't use electronic devices without a blue light filter. The blue light signals to the brain to stay awake. It suppresses melatonin that is needed to help you fall asleep. 

8. Avoid bright lights in the room where you’re sleeping. They also suppress melatonin production.

9. Spending too much awake time in bed (watching tv, reading a book, etc) could make you disassociate the bed with sleep.

Bottom line: make your bed a sacred, sleeping, and sex only space.  


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