Some Tips To Help Get 2021 More Organized

A middle-aged woman tidies up her cupboard in the kitchen and reorganizes everything

Was your new year's resolution to be more organized? That's something that I would love to be. There are some easy tips to get you started. Maybe we can try them together.

× To set yourself up for success, start with a spot where the items themselves will indicate whether they should be kept, or tossed. Pantries are a great spot to start because things expire.

× When you’re ready to start filling the space back up, be sure to do so with thoughtful intention.

× Seeing an organized and uncluttered finished product will give you the satisfaction and confidence to keep going.

× Regardless of how logical you’re trying to be, there still may be spaces in your home that can seem overwhelming to organize, so don’t be afraid to call in the pros when you need to. They can create the plan, handle the clean out, and give some great tips for what to do with those items that you’re ready to let go of.

(KSAT) Photo: Getty/2K Studio

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