Negotiating Tips When You Want To Ask For A Raise While Working From Home

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If you've been working hard, working longer hours, you might want to think about getting a raise.

First, if you're feeling extra shy about negotiating from home, acknowledge those feelings — but don't let them control you.

Before you even start to ask for a raise, get in the habit of tooting your own horn a little bit to make sure your work doesn't go unnoticed.

Do your best to stay on top of communication during your regular working hours

If you have the bandwidth for it, consider volunteering to take on any extra tasks that need doing.

Similarly, consider taking advantage of any opportunities your employer might present you with to grow your skills and keep learning.

Make sure that you're really ready to ask for a raise based on how long you've been in your role and considering recent feedback on your performance.

If you're feeling like you're in a good place to negotiate, do some research to see what market rates are in your area.

When you're ready to have the talk, "A face-to-face conversation is always best, even if it’s via Zoom."

Make some notes about your achievements and salary expectations, and keep them close by during your negotiation.

During the conversation, avoid mentioning any coworkers' salaries. Instead, keep the negotiation focused on your skills, accomplishments, and growth.

Finally, talking about your long-term future shows that you don't have to be physically present in the office to be committed to your role.


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