Bargaining tips to help you save big bucks

Bargaining can save you big bucks, and the first price does not have to be the final cost. Yet, many of us hate to haggle.

#1: Forget about tough talk.

Instead, always be polite.

#2: Do your research.

It will help you develop your negotiation strategy and boost your confidence. Also, research helps you set a base line for an offer.

#3: Ask for a discount.

Retailers drop prices frequently and call it a sale.

#4: Use cash.

Cash is king. It tells the seller you are serious and the deal can be done quickly.

#5: Be willing to walk away.

It does not mean you are done. “A little break could be 10 minutes, could be half an hour. Could be a day or an afternoon.” Leave on good terms and always leave your number. The seller might call back with a deal.


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