Easy Ways to Volunteer from Home

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Become a Crisis Counselor.

Participate in Give-19. The mission is simple: Give 19 of whatever you can. You can give $19, bake 19 cookies and leave them for a frontline worker to enjoy after their shift, or whatever fits your wheelhouse.

Record an Audiobook. Volunteer to record an audio book for Learning Ally. They’re producing as many audiobooks as possible for kids and young adults to listen to while they’re out of school.

VolunteerMatch is a long-running volunteer organization that matches passion and talent with important causes. They have hundreds of virtual volunteering experiences in areas ranging from health and medicine, children and youth, education, to community building. They’ve also created a COVID-19 hub specifically for coronavirus volunteer opportunities. 

Translators Without Borders needs volunteers to translate medical texts and crisis responses, both of which are much needed right now.

Bookshare® is an organization that makes print materials accessible to children and adults with disabilities. It counts on virtual volunteers to take on tasks like scanning and proofreading, describing images, and providing support

Table Wisdom connects adults and foreign-born students through weekly mentoring video chats.

Donate Money

(BHG, WildApricot)

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