Decluttering Can Help You Save Money

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My mom is a hoarder. Not like the tv show. Nothing drastic like that, but I looked up what's considered a hoarder, and that's her. So it's trickled down to me. I hold on to things because I might need them someday (when exactly?!). I hold on to things because someone gave it to me as a gift regardless of whether I've ever used it.

It's become too much for me. The chaos of having So. Much. Stuff messes with my anxiety and mental state.

Lately, I've been organizing and downsizing. I'd love to hit the whole house and get rid of, like, half of it, but I can only do a little bit at a time. I've done the kitchen pantry, the shelves in the living room, my linen closet, my clothes clothes, and, most recently, the foyer (or mudroom if you'd like). It feels so good, and I feel it's literally easier to breathe.

Maybe you've been thinking about it but haven't gotten around to it yet. Did you know you could save money by decluttering? Yes, really!

Decluttering shows you what you already own, so you can use what you have.

It can help you become more aware of your spending habits and make more intentional choices.

Make money off of your clutter by selling or donating things.

Decluttering can help you save money on storage fees.

You may also FIND money. It's happened.

Good luck! I can't wait to see your before and after photos!


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