Easy, Everyday Hip Stretches for Anyone Who Sits All Day

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Yes, I sit all day. No surprise it's not great for you, but there are some tricks.

When you're inactive for long periods—think sitting at your desk, commuting, or watching TV for hours—the muscles that move and stabilize your hips can get tight. When the hips get tight and neglected, you can actually develop low back pain. Many other smaller muscles that act on the hip can become tight from inactivity too. 

To Stretch Hip Flexors: Lunges

Start by standing with feet together. Step right leg back until heel is flat on floor; then lift up on ball of right foot. Keeping back straight and head up, lower heel down slightly until you feel a stretch in right hip flexor. Hold. Release and switch sides.

To Stretch Hamstrings: Single-Leg Standing Hamstring Stretch

Standing with feet together, place right heel on floor and flex right foot toward you. As you do this, slowly lean forward from hips (hands can be on hips if you prefer) until you feel a stretch in the back of right leg. Hold. Release and switch sides.

To Stretch Outer Hips and Glutes: Figure 4 Stretch

For this hip-opening stretch, lie face up on your back, knees bent, and feet on floor. Place right foot on left thigh, right above left knee. With left hand, grasp right knee, pulling it gently toward chest and then left shoulder. Hold. Release and switch sides.

To Stretch Inner Thighs (Hip Adductors): Side Lunge Stretch

Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width. Keeping left foot pointed straight ahead on floor, shift weight to right foot until you feel stretch in inner thigh. If you don't feel it, widen the legs a little. Hold. Release and switch sides.

To Stretch Outer Thigh and Hips: Standing IT Band Stretch

From standing position, cross right leg over left leg, left hand supported by wall or desk. Keeping right leg and back straight, push right hip out. If you need to bend left knee, that's okay. Hold. Release and switch sides.

Feel better!


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