How to Stop Overthinking

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Why do you overthink?

·      You struggle with anxiety. 

·      You struggle with a need for control. 

·      You're a perfectionist. 

·      You struggle with negative thinking and beliefs.

Well, lookie there. I fall under all 4. Great. I'm going to overthink about this, too.

"Constantly worrying about hypothetical negative events affects the brain's ability to differentiate between theoretical stress and real stress that needs to be acted on," says Carolyn Rubenstein, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist. The imbalance can affect your brain's ability to regulate emotions, feelings, and memory, and overthinking may also mess with your appetite (either making you feel like you should eat more or less), she says.

When you're on the verge of overthinking, you can use these methods to change course.

·      Practice Mindfulness.

·      Distract yourself.

·      Challenge your negative thoughts.

·      Let go of the past.

I know it's easier said than done. But it CAN be done.


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