This Mom Made A ‘Fixer Upper’ Inspired Doll House

Her name is Kwandaa Roberts, and she wasn't happy with the doll house she bought for her 3-year-old daughter.  It was pink and purple, and didn't feel "homey enough."  And it turns out Kwandaa loves Joanna and Chip Gaines and their show, "Fixer Upper."  

So, after her kids were put to bed and had some time to herself, she worked tirelessly on her Fixer Upper dollhouse. And don't think she scrimped on the fine details — she painstakingly recreated items from the Gaineses' Magnolia Home line and other design staples used by the home renovators.

The funny part about the renovation is, Kwandaa couldn't stop "playing" with her creation prior to gifting it to her daughter. "I hid it in the basement, and I would go downstairs and 'play' with the house after my kids went to bed."

I am so totally jealous.  I love crafts!  But I don't really have time to do them with the twins.  1) they're too young and would get into everything and 2) they exhaust me, so my "my time" is just me sleeping.

Who wouldn't want this as a dollhouse?  I wouldn't mind living in it if it was a real size house, either!

See more photos of the little house on Kwandaa's instagram page, tinyhousecalls.


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