Do you sometimes feel like your phone has become a part of your body, that maybe you couldn't live without it? Well, it's actually better for you if you separate yourself from it occasionally. How?
- Designate screen-free zones in your house.
- Carefully evaluate your notification settings so you can minimize how often your phone intrudes on real life.
- Practicing meditation is one of the most effective ways to combat the initial discomfort of not constantly checking your phone.
- Try to limit your usage before bedtime and set up a good old-fashioned alarm clock so your phone isn’t sitting on the nightstand tempting you.
- Part of technology’s appeal is its endless stream of bright, shiny new content. By turning off the colors so your phone screen is in black and white, you can limit the appeal of never-ending photos.
Let me know how that works for you.
(KOIN) Photo: Getty/Paula Daniëlse