Russell Rush goes to haunted SA locations so we don't have to!

I absolutely love this time of year. After we put the kiddo down for bed, my husband and I watch classic horror movies as a lead up to celebrate Halloween. I put out decorations and get dressed up. I love watching those ghost hunting shows and the shows where people give testimonials on all the weird stuff they've seen. Love It! Here's the thing...I am the world's biggest chicken. A long time ago, a group of us went on a ghost hunt with some paranormal investigators and things got dicey. They psychic said I looked like a murdered prostitute that still haunts this particular location, someone in our group had an emotional break while hunting and we caught some EVPs. This was maybe more than 10 years ago and we still talk about it to this day.

I appreciate those who go and do this. My buddy Russell Rush is one such person. He ghosts hunts so we don't have to. And he compiled some of the most terrifying experiences! Get into the spookiness of it all with his latest episode.....listen if you dare!

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