Of all the formats of music to make a comeback, I didn't think it would be the cassette. Especially because they unscroll so easily! If you ever respooled it using a pen or pencil you know what I mean.
Cassette tape sales have risen over 103 percent in the first quarter of 2020 compared to the 2019 amount according to the Official Charts Company. It’s being projected that over 100,000 cassettes will be sold this year which hasn’t been reached since 2013. Pop music is driving cassette sales with Lady Gaga, Selena Gomez, Dua Lipa, and 5 Seconds of Summer being the top-selling cassettes of 2020. Physical sales, including vinyl, are the highest they’ve been in the past three months.
Will you pull out your old cassettes again?
(NME) Photo: Getty/Supanat Chantra/EyeEm