Jennie James

Jennie James

Jennie James gets you through the workday. Music, entertainment, fun!Full Bio


Avoid Pandemic Overeating

The pandemic has taking my eating to whole new levels! Eating from boredom. Eating from stress & anxiety. Eating the pies and desserts my husband started making. I'm pretty sure I gained the COVID-19 and more.

So how do you not eat? Obviously do what this says, not what I'm doing!

--Don’t overdo it (riiiiight)

--Pre-portion your snacks (you can also put your snack in a bowl regardless of size. That way you don't eat the whole bag, and you'll probably be too lazy to get up to get more...speaking from experience)

--Pick plant-based comfort foods (Look up plant based comfort foods on a search engine)

--Give your indulgences a nutritional upgrade (for example, if you like ice cream, top it with fruit and nuts)

--Finally, make some time for tea. Green tea in particular has less caffeine than coffee, tons of antioxidants and amino acids that can reduce stress and promote calm feelings.

(KSAT) Photo: Getty

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