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If you're noticing that your teeth are increasingly sensitive, you may want to think about what you're eating on a regular basis.
Grapefruit - The natural sugar count and acid content in citrus can wreak havoc on teeth if consumed in excess. The pH levels of grapefruits, in particular, is extremely low, meaning they're highly acidic and can corrode the surface of your teeth (and the enamel that protects that surface).
Lemon - The acidic nature of lemon juice can lead to enamel erosion overall which can result in cavities and allow the plaque inside your mouth to cause more damage than it normally would.
Crackers - Eating crackers and bread in general isn't going to destroy your smile, but choosing varieties that are free of refined carbohydrates may serve you well later..
Wine – not only can stain your teeth, but make them sticky.You don't have to give up your happy hour completely—just make sure you eat something with a higher pH level to counteract wine's acidity like cheese.
Soda and carbonated soft drinks – Drinks like soda, lemonade, and sports beverages are harmful because sipping them causes a constant sugar bath over the teeth, which promotes tooth decay. Drinking soda with a straw may help avoid exposure to the front row of teeth as long as you don't swish the liquid around your mouth.
Pickles – anything pickled has like been soaked in vinegar, which can act as a corrosive agent against your own teeth. Eat pickled items alongside items containing less acid, like eggs or cheese and wash down your meal with water to alleviate the contact.
Peanuts and almonds - Like other foods with a tough exterior, nuts should be enjoyed in small amounts and chewed slowly and carefully—even if they don't chip a tooth in half, they can still create something known by professionals as "microcracks." If you choose to snack on harder foods, also be sure to bring them to room temperature; chewing a frozen peanut is exponentially more dangerous to any healthy tooth.
Carrots - "The firmness of these foods combined with the quick force of biting through them can cause chipping or fracturing of a tooth."
Ice - Ice can lead to microcracks that form within the tooth, and these minute surface issues can populate and propagate into larger cracks. "It's problematic when it becomes a habit, especially if you're doing it unconsciously."