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There are so many things to avoid for many reasons, whether they have hidden sugars, cause inflammation, contain cancer-causing chemicals, negativity our fertility, make you gain weight
Agave - Don't trust the health halo claims associated with the natural sweetener agave. While it is technically a low-glycemic food, it actually drives up blood fructose, which is way worse.
Inflammatory vegetable oils (like canola and soy bean) - even organic versions still contribute to the unhealthy, pro-inflammatory omega-6/omega-3 imbalance. you are essentially ingesting oxidized molecules that wreck immediate havoc on healthy cellular function.
Rice flour - Gluten-free ingredients aren't always better for you, and some can actually make you gain weight. "It is awful for health and will completely shut down any hope of weight loss, often resulting in outright, sometimes outrageous, weight gain and inflammation."
Cocktail mixers – contain obscene sugar levels, fake food dyes with carcinogenic contaminants, and sketchy preservatives created so that the majority of cocktail drink mixers can sit on store shelves for years.
Any food microwaved in plastic - even if you source the healthiest foods in the world, you're tainting it if you're cooking it or heating it up in plastic containers in the microwave. Studies show a wide variety of plastic chemicals become unstable and transfer into food when heated. These plastic chemicals are linked to everything from cancer and developmental problems to infertility and weight gain.
There are many more. Fruit canned in syrup, vegetable shortening, non-dairy coffee creamer, diet soda, cured meats, instant noodles, and so much more. Read about it HERE.