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Jennie James

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Shine a Light on Domestic Violence with Purple Porch SA

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Metro Health is proud to partner with the Collaborative Commission on Domestic Violence (CCDV) for Purple Porch SA, a month-long campaign that aims to increase awareness and support to end domestic violence. They are asking residents, organizations, and businesses to participate by lighting or decorating their porch with a purple color to spread awareness about domestic violence and support healing among survivors. San Antonians can amplify their involvement by posting a picture on their social media channels and using #PurplePorchSA. For more information about Purple Porch SA and to register for the 3rd Annual CCDV Domestic Violence Awareness Symposium, please visit

“Domestic violence often goes underreported due to fear of retaliation from the abuser, but we continue to shine a light on this public health issue by ending the stigma and encouraging victims to get help in a safe manner,” said Metro Health Director, Claude A. Jacob.

The Violence Prevention Section at Metro Health has expanded direct services for victims of domestic violence by adding staff dedicated to crisis advocacy and case management.


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