Your Christmas tree decorations help set a tone and give you holiday decorating ideas for the rest of your space. Whatever your personal style, your holiday personality, your budget, and your space constraints, there are some great holiday decorating ideas for you. The hardest part might be committing to just one theme or idea.
Add A Pop of Color. Colorful yarn tassels offer an unexpected pop, while metallic, mirrored, and iridescent decorative accents reflect those vibrant shades.
Give a Potted Plant a Christmas Design Makeover.
Update Your Classic Christmas Tree Decorations. Balance sophisticated, artsy, and personal elements.
Make a Monochromatic Christmas Tree Shine. Work in unexpected charmers like letters, fun shapes, and unusual objects like glittery insects or shells.
Find a Cool (and Colorful) Decorating Idea. It's okay to experiment with a new palette—like, say, tangerine and charcoal grey. And consider soft balls and pom-poms, which are sturdy enough to stand up to pets and kids (yet still look stylish on your Christmas tree).
Design a Kid-Friendly Christmas Tree. For a playful approach, call on the kids to trim the tree.
Dream Up a Sophisticated Tree Decorating Idea. For a sophisticated style—even with a Christmas tree meant for a small space—limit your color palette. Focus on a color scheme that's bold and bright, like gold, royal blue, and yellow.
Pack a Visual Punch With a Tiny Tree. Choose a bold color for the tree itself, and a limited color scheme for the garland and other ornaments.
Decorate With Garland. A garland instantly adds pops of color and rich texture to trees and can also hide those inevitable bare spots you swore weren't there when you picked out the tree.
Mix the Old With the New. To look just right, decide which favorites complement (i.e., don't compete with) one another.
Decorate With Pets in the Home. Consider a tabletop tree that can stand out of harm's way. Shop for shatter–resistant, non-toxic ornaments. If one small tabletop tree isn't enough for you, group a few together on a console table or mantel.
Decorate on a Budget. Skip the classic evergreen and pick a tree in an unexpected color—like a winter white. The less traditional the color, the bigger the impact, which gives you the flexibility to go a little smaller on the size. For the ornaments, stick to one bold color (like red, magenta, or turquoise) so it really pops.
Edit Your Ornament Collection. Edit them into categories: must-hang; maybe next year; never again.
Another thing that's trending this year is a tree collar. A tree collar is a sturdy circular base that wraps around the bottom of the tree, effectively hiding the tree stand out of sight. It gives the illusion that your Christmas tree is resting inside a woven basket or metal basin, yet the tree collar doesn't have a bottom, so it won't collect water. With a tree collar, the tree's needles will fall right on the floor, making them easier to sweep or vacuum up. Plus, with a hinged collar that's easy to remove, brushing away needles collected around the base of the tree is even easier, too.