Photo: Scott Olson / Getty Images News / Getty Images
The Amarillo Area Foundation’s Panhandle Disaster Relief Fund, which supports local residents and organizations, is accepting donations online or by check.
The Texas Farm Bureau has established a fund to help farmers and ranchers affected by the Panhandle wildfires. Donations are being accepted online and by check. Agricultural producers can apply for assistance through this form.
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service is establishing supply points in several locations in the region to accept donations of hay, feed and fencing supplies needed to support ranchers and producers affected by the wildfires. Here’s how to donate to specific areas. General questions about donations or relief efforts can be made at 806-354-5800, according to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.
The Texas Panhandle Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) is helping coordinate volunteering in the area. You can fill out their volunteer interest form here, email or call 806-378-3004.
The STAR Fund (State of Texas Agriculture Relief Fund) was created solely with monetary donations from private individuals and entities to fund disaster recovery efforts. STAR Fund money may be used to assist farmers, ranchers and agribusiness owners in rebuilding fences, restoring operations and paying for other agricultural disaster relief. You can click here to learn more or donate.